World Bids Farewell To Margaret Thatcher AKA Iron Lady

On April 8th, 2013, the world mourned the death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who passed away after suffering from a stroke at the age of 87. Besides being the country's longest serving leader (1979 to 1990) in the 20th century, she was the first woman to lead a Western democracy. During her 11-year reign, the strong-willed woman, who was nicknamed 'Iron Lady' by leaders of the former Soviet Union, made some hard-charging decisions for which she was loved and loathed in equal measures....

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President Obama's First Order Of Business - Resolving The Looming 'Fiscal Cliff'

While thrilled at being given another four years to continue the path he had carved out for the country, President Obama's celebration was short-lived. That's because the day after being re-elected the President had to begin working on resolving what is being called a 'Fiscal Cliff' - So what is this cliff that has everybody in a tizzy and are things going to be as dire for Americans as predicted? Read on . . . ....

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Barack Obama Re-Elected President Of The United States Of America!

On November 6th, 2012, an estimated 126 million Americans braved long lines to cast their vote for the candidate they believed was best suited to lead the country for the next four years. As had been expected, the race was close but by 8.30pm PST, most television networks were predicting that President Barack Obama had obtained the 270 electoral votes that he needed to be re-elected....

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Video(s) Of The Week - The Presidential Elections Are Here!

Tomorrow, November 6th, millions of Americans will head to the polling booths to cast their vote for either Democrat incumbent President Obama or Republican nominee, Mitt Romney. Over the last six months we have heard the candidates make so many campaign promises that it is easy to get a little confused about what each one of them has said....

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Third And Final Presidential Debate, A Toss Up?

Last night's debate between US Presidential candidates, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney was watched by just 53.9 million people, far less than the over 66 million that had tuned in for the first two debates. Whether it was because people are indifferent about US foreign policy or because the debate was at the same time as Monday Night Football and the seventh game of Baseball's National League Series, will never be known. But the general consensus is that the people who skipped it, did not miss much....

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Did President Obama Even The Score At The Second Presidential Debate?

Yesterday evening, President Barack Obama and Republican hopeful Mitt Romney took the stage at Long Island's, Hofstra University for the second of their three impromptu debates leading up to the November 6th election. Given that most Americans thought Mr. Romney did a much better job that his opponent in the first debate, this one was particularly crucial for the President and the Democratic Party. So how did he do? Read on!...

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The Race To The US Presidency Heats Up With First Of Three Debates

On Wednesday night, 67.2 million Americans sat glued to their television sets for a full 90 minutes to hear the two nominees - the incumbent President Barack Obama, for the Democratic Party and Governor Mitt Romney for the Republican Party, talk about their plans for the country, if elected to be the 45th President of the United States of America....

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President Barack Obama Vs. Mitt Romney - The Race To The White House Has Begun

In less than two months, Americans will head to the polls, to vote for the nation's 45th President - A crucial decision that will shape their lives for at least the next four years, if not more. Their main two choices? Current US President, Mr. Barack Obama, representing the Democratic Party and Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, for the Republican Party. So who are they and what do they represent? Read on to find out . . . ....

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US Presidential Election Kicks Off With Iowa Caucus

On November 6th, 2012, Americans will decide whether to re-elect President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden for another four-year term or, bring in a totally new team. However, before they reach that pivotal moment, the candidates from each party have to overcome a large number of obstacles - The first of which, is the Iowa caucus that took place on January 3rd, 2012....

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Egyptians Rejoice The Ouster Of President Mubarak

It took the people of Egypt thirty years to garner enough courage to stand up to their leader- But once they did, there was no stopping them. Just 18 days after it all began, the historic revolution is over. On the evening of February 11th, President Hosni Mubarak succumbed to the wishes of his people, by resigning and handing over interim power, to the country's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces....

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Sleeping On Capitol Hill

Newly elected House Representative Jason Chaffetz's entire campaign was very frugal - run out of his home in Utah, the entire operation was managed by volunteers. Now that he has won, he is not about to change his colors....

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Barack Obama's Legoland Inauguration

While President-Elect Obama will not be officially sworn in as President until Tuesday, January 20th, the folks at Legoland in Carlsbad , California have already completed the ceremony - using Lego bricks of course!...

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Super Duper Tuesday Update

The results of Super Duper Tuesday are out and while people who voted for the Republican Party seem to have chosen the person they want to represent them for the final elections, voters for the Democratic party remain divided....

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After Superbowl Sunday - Super Duper Tuesday

Super Tuesday is the name given to the day in an election year, when a number of U.S. States hold elections simultaneously, to help decide who will be the final two candidates that will represent the Democratic and Republican Party for the Presidential elections in November....

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